Friday, February 12, 2016

Much love

There is so much love on this day! The kids are hyped full of sugar and kisses galore and not much learning is accomplished! :) Oh well! It is days like this that allows kids to connect and to show their appreciation for one another. I know these are dark- we are watching a film- but they are willing to share their goods!
Nallely Briones Loredo

Kaelanne Wood, Celeste Caro, and Luz DeLos Santos

Tayler Braswell and Stefanie Thomas

Paige Perkins Parker

I love this particular class and these particular young ladies (though I love them all- these girls are just rock stars!) 

As far as the rest of the week goes: 
11th grade: Reading "The Way to Rainy Mountain" and working through meaning getting ready to use Socratic Circles for the discussion. I hope the kids will find meaning within the story :) 

10th grade: We are finishing our poetry slides. I will have to upload one or two to share. They are proving quite beautiful! 

I hope all finds a few minutes with loved ones :) Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!! 

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