Saturday, December 12, 2015

And we ended with a little trash!

NHS Juniors post ACT Testing pulling on the safety vests for a little area cleanup! 


 It is all about the team work!
Bags and bags of trash! A satisfied and tired crew! 

and a tired teacher! I had my own bag filled to throw away!

One of my main objectives to teaching is that I will not ask my students to do something and I not be willing to do it as well. I find that this makes the kids see me in a different light. Yes, it hurts my body to do the work, but I think the kids see that I am doing this with them and not making them do the work without getting a little dirty too. 

This idea carried into my classroom this week. I gave my sophomores some stories to read and create a poster with key elements. I had not done one in a long time for a sample. One of the stories was really a slow read, so I took that one on and created a poster to demonstrate the things that I expect my students to see. I believe this will make my students see eye to eye with me on many levels. 

The same happened with the MLA practice. I worked my worksheet on the board while the kids filled one in at their tables...I think seeing me write with them makes a huge difference in the expectations I set for them. 

I really feel like we have accomplished much this week. I taught complex materials with a large amount of success and was able to proctor the ACT where many of my students found me this morning along with an NHS activity....all in all, a good week. 

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