I have long since known that I have always been called to be a teacher. I know it within my heart that I truly could do nothing else...this being said, I have days that I just want to run screaming from the halls.
Our students are full of mischief lately. I think they are figuring out the limits of tolerance in what they can do and how far they can push. I know that I have made at least three phone calls just in the past two days to parents of students who are doing all they can to upset the room, and I know that I will being calling more in the near future.
I think calling home has to be one of the most difficult things a teacher can do. Parents see the number from the school and they cringe. They just know something bad is coming and they are going to have to deal with a child who has not been on his or her best behavior. As I was walking to lunch today, the thought occurred to me, "Where is the line? How far, exactly, is too far for these kids to push?"
I don't tolerate swearing in my classroom. I cringe every time I hear the worst of the worst words all come flying out and I know they are more intelligent than to just allow their language to fly in all kinds of bad directions. Punishment for such profanity: warning, then call home and detention for 20 minutes, then 40 minutes, and so forth of copying from the dictionary by hand...the idea is to give them a broader vocabulary, and they eventually get to the point where they do not want to write like that any longer. Parents seem to love the idea and want to add days when I call home...go figure.
Disrespect- this is a no-no. I am here for them. I am here to guide them, and I believe every teacher to ever set foot into this building and other buildings in our district, every teacher that makes the choice to stay and work long hours, to place themselves, heart and soul on the line day in and day out deserves the respect of their students. I reflect on this idea and these feelings, and I know that I have to be a reasonable person about my expectations. I will never be able to fully control every eye roll, deep sigh, or the everyday complaints of "This is too much," or, "this is too hard." If I tried to control this, I would never get a lesson in otherwise. I had a class today where the kids were rather talkative, and I had told everyone to quiet down. Only a handful of students stopped and listened and waited for their classmates to calm themselves. Instead of getting angry at those who were rowdy, I told those that were waiting patiently and quietly thank you and that I apologize for their wait. An interesting thing happened...others wanted me to say that to them and they quieted down like a set of dominoes being knocked over. I am not sure that this will always work, but it sure did today and we were able to get to work. I will definitely do this more often.
I think when it comes to the disrespect, it is a personal level of tolerance. Out-right and blatant disrespect is going to be dealt with immediately....and after every warning, a write up and call home will follow.
For our failing students, I realize that I have a responsibility to my students and that I need to keep them busy, to teach them and keep them engaged. I work hard to do this and will always do so. I also believe my students have the responsibility to follow through with their work. If we coddle them, hold their hands through every assignment, begging and pleading with them to complete the assignments so they can pass the class, is not teaching them anything other than it is the fault of the teacher when they fail. That is not helping our almost grown students. The responsibility must be placed on their shoulders as well. If they are not passing and I have done all I can do to help them by taking late work, helping them in my plan hour or after school, it is their turn to make the full effort. I allow a grade check and will remind them often of their grades, but I will always move forward. I have generation of students to go.
Even when I feel like running from the halls, I know my true place is here. I know I am here to help guide and direct...teaching is my calling always.